Business To Business Direct Sales Script (ENERGY)
Below is a sample direct sales script for business to business selling. This is for the ComEd market, but PLEASE substitute your own market.
1. Introduction/ “Get the Bill”
Hi, my name is (your name) and I’m the one talking with all the business owners in the area about the rate reduction you’re allowed to get on your electricity bill. What’s happened now, is the government has changed the law for everyone so you’re allowed to get protection against the sky-rocketing rate increases. You know how in the summer time, rates are low (nod your head)? And in the summer time, rates are really high (nod your head)? Well, all this is about is making it below the winter rates, but all the time—does that make sense (nod your head)? Great, the only thing I’ll need to see from you, just like (3rd party name drop), is a copy of your electric bill. If you can grab that for me, that’d be great; thanks.
Answering Objections
“Give to Get”/ Setting Up the Buying Atmosphere
Like I said, I’m (your name), and you are? Hey, great to meet you John. John, I know you’re busy, and the truth is, I have to see 40 business owners a day—my boss is a real slave driver. So I’ll tell you what, if you get a bill, I can see if you qualify and show you how it works. If you like it, great; if not, that’s cool too. And if you’re not sure, just tell me “NO” and you can boot me right out of here. Is that fair?
“I don’t want to switch.”
How do you mean, like your ComEd services? (Nod) That’s not what this is about. You’ll still be a ComEd customer. All this is about is paying less for the exact same services—make sense? If you can grab that bill, that’d be great. Thanks!
“Why do you need to see my bill?”
Just to see if you qualify. Do you know your kwh off the top of your head or would you need to see a bill for that? Ok—grab that bill and I’ll show you how this works.
“I’m in a contract/ I already have a supplier.”
Great! Part of my job is to ensure businesses are getting the most competitive rates possible. If you grab your bill, I can explain how it works.
“Someone’s been around here already.”
I bet you get a few phone calls and a couple people coming in every week, right (nod your head)? Have you taken any steps to save money and get protection (shake your head)? …”Give to Get”.
Feel, Felt, Found (Answering Objections)
I understand how you feel, (3rd party) felt exactly the same way, until he found out…
2. Sitting down/ Taking control
Wow, you pay this every month? Are you sure you’re not paying for next door, too? Why don’t we take a seat and I’ll show you how this works.
3. How It Works
How much do you know about deregulation (get them talking). This is a letter from ComEd, and it says
“Because ComEd no longer owns power plants and its current electric supply contracts expired at the end of 2006, the company has to purchase electricity from the wholesale market on behalf of its customers.”
Moreover, it says “We encourage customers to consider an alternative RES because they may offer electricity at a lower price or services beyond what we provide."
The most important part to remember is “Regardless of which energy supplier they choose, customers will continue to receive reliable electricity delivery from ComEd.”
So you see, this not about a change in service. All this is about is paying less for the exact same services. Does that make sense?
Why It’s a Good Time to Buy
The reason why I’ve been doing so well and my customers have been so happy is because the markets have been historically low. Take a look at the graph (flip to charts). In the summer of 2008, energy prices hit their peak. This is the same time everyone was paying four-fifty ($4.50/ gallon) to almost five dollars ($5/ gallon) for gasoline and natural gas was over $1.00/ therm (point to natural gas chart).
Then, later that year, the economy crashed and the banks started to fail. Credit markets seized up and the energy markets crashed. If businesses didn’t go out of business, they cut days and shifts, and the loss of jobs led to less demand on the grid, keeping energy prices low.
In the winter of 2011, we actually hit our lowest point in the market. Since then, the markets have slowly been making a return.
As you can see, prices are still extremely competitive. If you were to fix a price, would you fix here (point to the peak on the chart) or would you fix here (point to current price point)? Exactly, and that’s why I think you’ll be very happy with your savings, if you qualify.
Just Another Math Problem “J.A.M.P.”
That’s why (drop 3rd party) were so anxious to get qualified. As a matter of fact, (drop a specific business owner’s name) said it best. He said, “you know what (your name), if you take care of the pennies, the dollars will take care of themselves”. I’m sure you can agree, right?
Gas Station Close
How much do you pay for a gallon of gas at the pump? $3.90 to $4.20—something like that, right? Imagine you could go back in time, lock in your gas price at $2.50/ gallon for the next three years, you would do it right (nod your head)? Exactly, it’s a no brainer! It’s the exact same thing here, but for your electricity. Just remember, your savings won’t start this month, but next month—make sense?
1. Introduction/ “Get the Bill”
Hi, my name is (your name) and I’m the one talking with all the business owners in the area about the rate reduction you’re allowed to get on your electricity bill. What’s happened now, is the government has changed the law for everyone so you’re allowed to get protection against the sky-rocketing rate increases. You know how in the summer time, rates are low (nod your head)? And in the summer time, rates are really high (nod your head)? Well, all this is about is making it below the winter rates, but all the time—does that make sense (nod your head)? Great, the only thing I’ll need to see from you, just like (3rd party name drop), is a copy of your electric bill. If you can grab that for me, that’d be great; thanks.
Answering Objections
“Give to Get”/ Setting Up the Buying Atmosphere
Like I said, I’m (your name), and you are? Hey, great to meet you John. John, I know you’re busy, and the truth is, I have to see 40 business owners a day—my boss is a real slave driver. So I’ll tell you what, if you get a bill, I can see if you qualify and show you how it works. If you like it, great; if not, that’s cool too. And if you’re not sure, just tell me “NO” and you can boot me right out of here. Is that fair?
“I don’t want to switch.”
How do you mean, like your ComEd services? (Nod) That’s not what this is about. You’ll still be a ComEd customer. All this is about is paying less for the exact same services—make sense? If you can grab that bill, that’d be great. Thanks!
“Why do you need to see my bill?”
Just to see if you qualify. Do you know your kwh off the top of your head or would you need to see a bill for that? Ok—grab that bill and I’ll show you how this works.
“I’m in a contract/ I already have a supplier.”
Great! Part of my job is to ensure businesses are getting the most competitive rates possible. If you grab your bill, I can explain how it works.
“Someone’s been around here already.”
I bet you get a few phone calls and a couple people coming in every week, right (nod your head)? Have you taken any steps to save money and get protection (shake your head)? …”Give to Get”.
Feel, Felt, Found (Answering Objections)
I understand how you feel, (3rd party) felt exactly the same way, until he found out…
2. Sitting down/ Taking control
Wow, you pay this every month? Are you sure you’re not paying for next door, too? Why don’t we take a seat and I’ll show you how this works.
3. How It Works
How much do you know about deregulation (get them talking). This is a letter from ComEd, and it says
“Because ComEd no longer owns power plants and its current electric supply contracts expired at the end of 2006, the company has to purchase electricity from the wholesale market on behalf of its customers.”
Moreover, it says “We encourage customers to consider an alternative RES because they may offer electricity at a lower price or services beyond what we provide."
The most important part to remember is “Regardless of which energy supplier they choose, customers will continue to receive reliable electricity delivery from ComEd.”
So you see, this not about a change in service. All this is about is paying less for the exact same services. Does that make sense?
Why It’s a Good Time to Buy
The reason why I’ve been doing so well and my customers have been so happy is because the markets have been historically low. Take a look at the graph (flip to charts). In the summer of 2008, energy prices hit their peak. This is the same time everyone was paying four-fifty ($4.50/ gallon) to almost five dollars ($5/ gallon) for gasoline and natural gas was over $1.00/ therm (point to natural gas chart).
Then, later that year, the economy crashed and the banks started to fail. Credit markets seized up and the energy markets crashed. If businesses didn’t go out of business, they cut days and shifts, and the loss of jobs led to less demand on the grid, keeping energy prices low.
In the winter of 2011, we actually hit our lowest point in the market. Since then, the markets have slowly been making a return.
As you can see, prices are still extremely competitive. If you were to fix a price, would you fix here (point to the peak on the chart) or would you fix here (point to current price point)? Exactly, and that’s why I think you’ll be very happy with your savings, if you qualify.
Just Another Math Problem “J.A.M.P.”
That’s why (drop 3rd party) were so anxious to get qualified. As a matter of fact, (drop a specific business owner’s name) said it best. He said, “you know what (your name), if you take care of the pennies, the dollars will take care of themselves”. I’m sure you can agree, right?
Gas Station Close
How much do you pay for a gallon of gas at the pump? $3.90 to $4.20—something like that, right? Imagine you could go back in time, lock in your gas price at $2.50/ gallon for the next three years, you would do it right (nod your head)? Exactly, it’s a no brainer! It’s the exact same thing here, but for your electricity. Just remember, your savings won’t start this month, but next month—make sense?